1. Knowledge base
  2. Intelligent Content Creator (add-on)

AI Content

How to use our AI Content and create slides with just one click!

As a learning and development professional, you are most likely constantly looking for ways to improve the training experience for your learners while keeping up with the ever-changing needs of your learners.

That's why we're excited to introduce AI Content, a new feature that will revolutionise how you create training!

With AI Content, you can:

  • 🧠 Create text and quizzes with just one click

  • 💡 Generate ideas for interactive learning and quizzes

  • ⏳ Produce new learning content in less time

Quick tip💡
The AI Content can generate slides for you by simply selecting a slide type and writing your topic. It does not get any easier than this!

If you think this sounds exciting and you would like to implement it when you create content - don't miss out on our other articles about AI - click here to learn more.

Here you get to know more about how you can communicate to the AI to get precisely what you are looking for and read more about the policies etc. Watch it in action 🎬


Getting Started with AI Content

To start using AI Content Helper, log in to your account and navigate into Module Maker and create a slide. Here you will find a new slide-type called AI Content Helper.

Select AI Content and choose what type of slide you want.

Write a short description of the topic -> Click Generate, and the AI will create your slide in a few seconds.


Pro tip💡
One cool thing, the AI already knows what type of slide you selected, so you don't need to specify that. For example, if you choose a multiple-choice slide, you don't have to type "create a multiple-choice quiz.." you can simply type the topic you're interested in creating.



If you have questions, please reach out to our support🚀