Since events happen at a certain time, informing your users about this with a notification can be beneficial. To ensure that they are only notified about the happenings, changes etc., you think are important, we have made it possible for you to enable/disable communication in 12 different scenarios. Check all of them out in the text below!
If you need to learn about communication in general or how to make custom templates, please go to this article: "Communication and notifications".
Invited to mandatory event
As the title implies, this setting secures that users are informed that they are invited to a mandatory event.
Read more on events here: "Events: How to set up and best practices".
Invited to open event
The difference between this is that it is not required for them to attend the event. An example of an open event could be your company's summer party or a course made for learners who voluntarily want to participate in a course that isn't mandatory.
Event cancelled or updated
If an event is cancelled or updated, you can ensure that users are informed by enabling communication on these two. This ensures that learners turn up at the right place at the right time - or, perhaps most importantly, do not attend a cancelled event.
Waiting list
If you have limited space at an event with a lot of interest from your users, you can add them to a waiting list. When added to the list, learners are notified when a spot is available if enabled.
Event user's status change
In the event, you can edit learners' status. If this setting is enabled, they will be notified when you change their status from invited to uninvited, etc.
Administrator registers users' attendance to an event
After the event, the creator of the session receives a mail where they can register the attendance of the event.
User registers attendance to an event
When finishing an event, you can choose that your users receive an email about an event they attended. With this mail, they can register attendance.
Invited to event through learning path
To make your learning content more diverse for the learners, you can add events to your learning path. By enabling this setting, the users will be notified when they have a learning path containing an event.
This email will be sent the day after the user was assigned in the sharing
Event enrolment has been accepted
When you add an event to the explore tab, you can choose that you need to approve of which users can enrol and who cannot - just as you could with the learning paths. To notify the user that their enrolment has been accepted, an email will be triggered when this is toggled on.
Event enrolment has been declined
Again, opposite of the one above, you can also decline users from enrolling in an event. If you wish them to be notified about this you need to toggle this one on.
Pending approval request reminder
To make sure that you are notified when users wish to enrol in your event, you can enable this to get a reminder.
Event reminder
Much like the deadline reminder for content, you can automatically remind users when they are supposed to attend an event using this feature! When enabled, users will be reminded that they have unfinished learning with a deadline in either 30 or 7 days - or ton the day. Mark the checkboxes to decide which ones you wish to happen. Keep in mind that you can have all three options toggled on at the same time.
Once per day at 8:00 UTC, the system evaluates whether any users meet the requirements to get the reminder.