Best practices to create SCORM modules

This article covers best practices for building a SCORM module that your learners will be very happy with.

Build digestible modules based on microlearning

Keeping in mind how busy everyone is, we should aim at creating SCORMs that are no longer than 10-15 minutes so that they can be completed in one go.

Using simple SCORM interactive slides inside a module and mixing them with other types of our pre-built Module Maker slides is a great idea to ensure that we keep the learner engaged and active.

Stretch learning over time

Creating shorter modules allows us to stretch learning over time and not overwhelm the learner with too much knowledge at once.

A series of 5-6 SCORM, 10 minutes modules will cover your 1-hour curricula that are completed in small bites, allowing learners to easier put the acquired knowledge into practice in between modules.

Having shorter modules will allow the learner to revisit the learning more effectively later.

Optimise your SCORMs/modules

You want your learners to engage in the content you spend time and effort creating. But how do you exactly do that? The following section gives you tips on how you can ensure that they enjoy the content but also gather all the essential information you are providing them with.

Make it clear how to complete a module

Not being able to figure out how to complete a module brings frustration to all. To avoid this to the greatest extent, it will be helpful to have instructions on how the learner needs to interact with the module to finalise it and submit answers. This can be done as a guidance slide, mentioning, for example:

  • That the outer arrows in the Module Maker shall not be used to move forward within the SCORM

  • That they will need to click on the Submit Answers slide once they have finished the SCORM module to complete it.

Add gamified elements

Based on your company's culture and what drives your learners, adding rewards, sound effects, and fun stories behind the learning experience might be a great idea to keep the learners engaged and looking forward to the next module.

Do not crowd slides

Crowded slides are challenging to go through, making it difficult to grasp the key ideas to remember. Therefore, build simple slides aided by value-adding graphical elements the learner can remember.

Voice-over or no voice-over?

Some like voice-over, others don't.

If you decide to include voice-over in your learning, ensure the learner can still follow the flow without sound. In addition, before going ahead, align with your internal resources to see whether this will be a sustainable decision in your context, thinking of potential content updates happening in the future.

Include an outro or key takeaways slide

Sum up the key takeaways of the module in a slide towards the end so that it is clear to the learner what the primary knowledge they should stick with is.

Publish your SCORM in the most compatible format

SCORM 2004 4th edition is the format that works best on our Learning Lifecycle platform. Moreover, adding an "Exit course" trigger in the last slide of the SCORM will allow the SCORM to automatically close and jump to the slide with Submit Answers.

Quick tip💡

We recommend SCORM files in size 1000x503 px for det best user experience!

Convert a slides document into SCORM

This is a great easy fix to add content to your platform.

However, consider whether these slides were created as a stand-alone or a supporting document. If the slides were built to be presented by a speaker, they would most likely not be the best material for digital learning.



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