Edit Published Sharings

This article describes the new feature 'Edit Published Sharings'.

In the new Sharing feature, we have developed the possibility to update published sharings if you need to adjust elements after publishing them. Before making any changes, click 'New version' in the top right corner.

What’s new?

  • ​In the Sharing overview, a sharing status is now labelled right next to its name. It can either be marked as Draft, Published, or with Unpublished changes – so you can keep track of the status.

  • Depending on your needs, you can also filter your sharings to see only Draft, Published or Unpublished changes.

​In the Sharing overview, a sharing status is now labelled right next to its name. It can either be marked as Draft, Published, or with Unpublished changes – so you can keep track of the status.

Depending on your needs, you can also filter your sharings to see only Draft, Published or Unpublished changes.

What you can Edit

  • You can add, change, or remove connections between learning.​

  • You can add, change, or remove Starting Points.

  • You can change settings ​for a Sharing.

You can add, change, or remove connections between learning.​

You can add, change, or remove Starting Points.

You can change settings ​for a Sharing.

If you want to learn more about the Sharing feature, we recommend looking through this article: "Sharing: Create a learning journey!".


Good to know

  • You can still draft a Sharing and wait until you are ready to publish it with your users.

You can still draft a Sharing and wait until you are ready to publish it with your users.


For more information, contact our support 🚀