How to get Learningbank API Credentials

Step-by-step guide to get your Learningbank Credentials

This guide will walk you through the process of creating an API key and integrating Learningbank with other systems. It's a straightforward process that can significantly enhance your learning management capabilities.

We offer an easy integration method for most systems that doesn't require a custom API key. Check out our Integration Hub to see if your desired system is listed. If it is, you can skip ahead to the linked help center article for specific instructions.

However, for systems like Ziik or Tamigo, you will need to create a custom API key using the steps outlined in this guide. Continue reading this article to learn how to create a custom API key and integrate your chosen system with Learningbank.

For a more comprehensive understanding of integration terminology, we recommend referring to our dedicated help center article Integration Terminology. This will ensure a smoother and more informed reading experience for this guide.

Integration API keys can be used by developers to connect other APIs, allowing for integrated cross-application exchange of data and functionality.

API authentication may sound intimidating, but it's actually quite simple to implement.

Access the Integration Hub

Log in to your Learningbank platform with an administrator account and make sure you're in Administrator view.

  • Navigate to the sidemenu and find the Organization tab.

  • Next, click on Organization > Integration Hub.

If you are not able to see the Integrations menu item, contact our support (

Creating a New API Key

Now that you're inside the integration hub, the magic can start to happen. Remember, you can easily set-up your integration by clicking on another system below. Please refer to Integration Hub for more information.

To create a new API key:
Navigate to the top right corner and click Go to API Keys.


Generating a New API Key

Now click create in the top right corner, to create a new API key.

Give the the API Key a relevant name. The name is only relevant for your own organisational overview, if you have multiple integrations at some point.

We recommend you type the name of the system you wish to integrate with.

Click save.

Obtaining Your API Key

Now you should see that you've created a new API key with the name you wrote.

Underneath the name you should see:

  • Token

  • Password

All of this is automatically generated for you, and you actually only have to now copy the Username and Password in order continue.

Simple right? 👏

Now you've created a Learningbank API Authentication that you can use to integrate with your other systems.