Survey Modules: Best Practices

In this article, you will get a run down on what a Survey is, how you can include it in your learning content, and the extra information you need to utilise it like a pro! 🌟


What is a Survey, and what can I use it for?

Surveys are an easy-to-use and easy-to-understand way for you to interact with your users, and provide you with the opportunity to collect information from your users in an efficient and intuitive way! They are best used for broad topics or questions that can be asked to get a general understanding of your users' knowledge or opinions about that topic.

You can use them to, for example:

  • Get feedback about the users' experience with their learning content.
  • Test your users’ overall progress on their learning content, or internal initiatives.
  • Hear public opinion about some new projects or ideas!

Check out our Module Maker Best Practices article for inspiration on how to structure your module!


Interactive Options

Surveys include all of the content building and design options found in a Lesson module, with the added option of slides users can interacte with! 

These options include:

  • Single and Multiple choice questions
  • Written answers, for extended or open ended qualitative responses
  • Range and Rating options for quick quantitative responses


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Who can see Survey answers?

No one! Surveys are completly anonymous!

When showing the results of a survey in your platform or in the exported spreadsheet, the only information saved about the user is the date the survey was completed. This is done so that users can feel more open to answering honestly and so that you, as an admin, will get more reliable data!



Can I export Survey data? 

Surveys are designed to be created, used, viewed, and interacted with completely within the platform, giving you a clear and easy-to-understand view of your users’ responses.

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This data can be exported to an excel file. However!

Keep in mind that since surveys are recorded via individual response, the data is also recorded in this way. This means that when exporting data, it is not possible to, for example, see the total number of particular responses to a question as can be seen in the platform.

As such, we don’t recommend designing surveys for the purpose of colecting data intended to be used outside of the platform, for example, to create charts, graphs, or other external content.



Can I edit the survey once it is published?

Of course! Surveys modules can be edited and republished just as any other module.


Every time you edit or make changes to a survey, it records this as a new version. This also means that user responses will be saved in the new version.

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So, if you publish a survey, have 5 users finish it, then make a new version and have 5 other users finish it, those 10 answers will be split between the two versions. Because of this, we recommend doing a bit of proofreading before you publish your survey and send it out to users!



For more information, contact our support 🚀