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Communication: Ziik Notifications
Communication: Ziik Notifications

Enable Learning Lifecycle platform notifications through Ziik!

Maria Ørgaard avatar
Written by Maria Ørgaard
Updated over a month ago

Ziik notification is available on all communications notifications within the platform. In this article, you can read more on how to use Ziik notifications on your platform.

Step 1: Create a Ziik User with Learningbank

  • In Ziik, create a User that will be the sender of notifications (e.g. "Academy").

Step 2: Configuration by Learningbank

Go to the integration hub in Learningbank and find Ziik .

Insert the credentials you created in step 1:

Step 3: Access and customisation in your platform

  • Once the configuration is complete, you will find the notifications settings in your Learning lifecycle platform under the Organization tab -> Communication it is shown as a third notification type with Email and Push

  • Here you have the flexibility to adjust the notifications as needed:

    • Activation and deactivation of individual notification types (toggle notifications on/off)

    • Customisable text

Now you are ready to use Ziik notifications!

Ziik information🧠

  • When a notification is toggled on, the end-users will receive the notification through their Ziik app.

  • The end-users will be able to answer the notification messages, and you can initiate a chat or support them directly from your chosen Sender-User.

  • A pro of having the Sender-User is that you prevent users from being spammed with system-generated messages.

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