FAQ: Integration and SSO

Here, you will get an overview of frequently asked questions.

Q: Can I have more than one SSO?
A: Currently, no.

Q: Can I have more than one integration running?

A: Yes, it is possible. Please reach out to us via support@learningbank.io to hear more about this. 

Q: Can I use both the Integration hub and have another integration running at the same time?  
A: Yes! Again, this will be a custom setup. The first integration would be on the  Integration hub, set up and controlled by you, and the second integration would be set up and controlled by us. With this setup, the "deactivate user" setting does not work, and you need to use the "Last Day" field instead. 

Q: Can I have more than one integration in the Integration Hub?

A: No. More than one active integration will make the integrations "fight" each other.

Q: What is the skip list/exclude list?

A: Users on this list will not be affected by the integration when it syncs.

Q: Do you support users from multiple tenants? Can you synchronise users up in Learningbank from multiple Microsoft tenants?
A: Yes, we can!

Q: What data updates automatically in the Integration Hub?
A: This depends on your settings. Read more about them here

Q: I have set up the Integration hub, but I can't see my users anymore. What do I do? 
A: Contact support@learningbank.io, and we will give you your access back and add you to the excluded list. 

Q: I have too many users in my platform after setting up my Integration hub. How come? 
A: You will most likely need to include users through a security group to get only the ones you need in the integration. Once this is done, you can manually remove the extra users or have the integration deactivate users who do not fit the group by activating this setting. 

Q: How often does the integration sync? 
A: This depends on the integration you use, but if it is a standard one in the Integration hub, it happens roughly after 3-4 hours. 

Q: How do I get the integration to deactivate users?

A: There are more than one way to do this. The first one is using Last Day for your users and the other one is to toggle the "deactivate user" setting on in the integration hub. Read more on both options here: "Integration Hub: Managing User Deactivation".

Q: I create my users with their private email initially, can I swop the email to their work email? 
A: For any integration set up in the Integrations Hub, there's always an ID associated with the user. This means that if the user is initially created with a personal email and then switched to a work email, we can easily support this transition as long as the email address change happens in the same field.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact our support🚀