The Recurring Feature: Automise recurring learning

Are you looking to automate recurring content for your users? Automatically redistribute and restart learning paths or modules. The Recurring feature automates recurring content for users, ensuring high compliance and easy recertification.

Table of content 

Why and when to use Recurring

Why and When to Use Recurring

The Recurring feature, schedules content to recur at regular intervals (chosen periods), helping users stay compliant with minimal administrative effort. 


  • No need to manually create and publish the same contnet
  • Automatic scheduling based on chosen intervals. 
  • Content reappears as incomplete, reminding users to retake it. 
  • Track prior completions through Analytics Insights. 
  • Maintains original settings, including module order. 

Best for: 

  • Content needing to be completed on a recurring basis. 
  • Legally or policy required re-completion (e.g., compliance, safety). 

Not Suitable for: 

  • One-time recurrence. 
  • Frequently updated content.  

How to set-up Recurring
In the video below, platform expert Maria guides you through the setup


NOTE: If a learning path is set up with Recurring, any Recurring setting on individual modules inside this learning path will be ignored in favour of the learning path settings. 

Tip: Using Recurring at the learning path level is the preferred method for most cas



Add Recurring to one level of your content & define a internal policy for where and how to use Recurring

  • To ensure a clear overview and consistent setup decide whether to use the Recurring feature on learning paths or individual modules inside a learning path for all your content materials. Add this as internal guidelines in your Platform Playbook, to maintain uniform use across your organisation.
  • To keep your content schedule organised, ensure that your users are assigned to a specific content using the Recurring feature only once. Assigning the same content to the same user through different sharings all with Recurring activated will create multiple recurring periods, which can and lead to unnecessary periods for the user to go through.

Setting Options for Recurring


When working with Recurring, you can choose between Yearly, Monthly, Weekly and Daily setting options.  
In short, you have two options: either set a fixed period for when users should complete the content, regardless of their latest completion date, or base the recurring schedule on the user's assignment day.  

Note: When a user needs to complete their content for the very first time is depending on when the content is assigned and becomes available to them. Using the Recurring feature will thereafter define the timing and frequency of when the content should be recurring

To dive into the individual settings and customisation options for the Recurring feature continue reading or jump to directly to case examples that might suit you:


Ideal when the users should Recurring the content every X year. Commonly seen with yearly compliance training.

Set-up options:

  • Specific date every X year: Use this setting if you want users to retake their content annually. Very ideal for campaigns where you want all users to take the same content no matter when they took it last time.
    The user will be asked to complete the content when first assigned and thereafter the content will recur always on the chosen date.
"January 1st"
"April 15th" or "December 24th" of the year.
"January, first Monday""September, third Friday" or "April, last day" of the year.
  • Same day of the year as First assigned (became available): The recurring is defined for the individual user at the time of the content becoming assigned for them. If you use this option, content will recur on the anniversary of the date the user first was assigned it. The recurrence date will therefore be different from user to user. 

Example: User unlocks content on "February 22nd", their period therefor begins on "February 22nd" of the year. Another user unlocks the same content a bit later on "March 8th", their period start is therefore "March 8th" of the year, recurring every March 8th.



The Monthly Recurring setting can be used when the users should retake the content Monthly every X months (at minimum once every one month with X month(s) interval).

  • Same Date every X Month: Use this setting if you want users to retake their content the same day every X Month. Very ideal for campaigns where you want all users to take the same content, no matter when they took it last time. 

  • Same Day of the month as First Assigned: If you use this option, content will recur based on the day the individual user was first was assigned it. The recurrence date will therefore be different from user to user.

Example: Recurring Every 6 months, Same day of the month as it was first assigned (available)
The content will recur on the same date each month that the user first was assigned it (e.g., if the content became available on February 22nd, it will recur on the 22nd day of the month, every 6 months). 


The Weekly Recurring setting can be used when the users should retake the content with X week(s) interval.

  • Same Week every X Week: Suitable for content that needs to be recurring on a weekly period. 
  • Same Date as First Assigned: If you use this option, content will recur on the anniversary of the date the user first was assigned it. The recurrence date will therefore be different between users.

User unlocks content on a "Tuesday", their period start is therefore always on a "Tuesday" in the week. Another user unlocks the same content a bit later on a "Friday", their period start is therefore always on a "Friday" of the week.
When it is time for user to retake the content, will therefore be different between users.



The Daily Recurring setting can be used when the users should recur the content with X day(s) interval. The content recur every X day. Because of this, this option is never tied to a specific date but rather an interval of days.


  • Set the  content to recur every X days
    (e.g., every 30 days, every 90 days). Users will be individual recurring schedules, as Daily Recurring is defined by when the user was assigned the content. 
    If you are looking to restart the content on a yearly basis, we recommend considering utilising the Yearly setting. 
  • ☑️ Extend current recurring period
    The daily setting has an extra option called Extend current recurring period. This option allows users to extend their current period by completing the content early. 
    E.g., if the content is set to recur every 365 days and the user completes it early, the current period will be extended. This will push when it is time again for them to retake the content.

The user is assigned content on January 1st with 365 days Recurring. On March 1st (Day 59) the user chooses to re-complete the content. This will grant them 365 days from Marts 1st.: extending their current period.

Users that do not re-complete content after they did it on first assignment, will simply be asked to complete again when the 365 days recurs, starting a new period of 365 days thereafter.

Frequently Used Cases

Creating your own setup can be simpler with a reference point. Below, we've compiled some of our most popular topics and common set-ups. Let these examples inspire you and provide you with some useful insights.


Yearly Compliance Training (Setting Yearly)

Related Topics: GDPR, IT/Cyber Security, Code of Conduct, Environmental, Social and Governance(ESG)

Yearly Recurring is suitable for when users should retake the training at minimum once every X year. This could be scheduling IT/Cyber Security training during Cybersecurity Awareness Month (October) to amplify the importance and urgency of the content.
It caters highly to both Admins, Managers and Users as timing the content to the time of year increases its relevance and engagement.

💡 Key Benefits of Yearly Recurring

  • This set-up empowers data tracking and demands the least amount of follow-up. With all users on the same yearly schedule, Admins and Managers can plan communication, deadlines, and reporting annually.
  • Users are more likely to engage with content that aligns with current events or seasonal topics.
  • Set Recurring to recur the same time every year for all users either on a specific day of the month or specific weekday a of the month.

🛠️ Setting



Yearly Diversity and Inclusion Training (Setting Yearly)

Related Topics: Awareness training, SDG Training (Global Goal Day, 25/09), Sustainability Training (International Earth Day, 22/04).

We don’t have to make it more difficult than it is; Use the international commemorative- and awareness days as a starting point for planning your yearly learning calendar, just like the Diversity Month in May (The European Union's official awareness month). 

Using Yearly Recurring for scheduling digital content ensures a strategic and thoughtful approach to training and aids on planing content according to an annual wheel.

💡 Key Benefits of Yearly Recurring

  • Empowers scheduled as a campaign to create awareness, motivation and blended learning/doing engagement activities.
  • This set-up empowers data tracking and demands the least amount of follow-up. With all users on the same yearly schedule, Admins and Managers can plan communication, deadlines, and reporting annually.
  • Users are more likely to engage with content that aligns with current events or seasonal topics.
  • Set Recurring to recur the same time every year for all users either on a specific day of the month or specific week day a of the month.

🛠️ Setting


Retail & hospitality Hygiene & food Satefy training (Setting daily):

Related Topics: Hygiene Control, Food Satefy, Health and Safety at Work

Relevant for users that must take the training e.g., every 365 days to ensure it is taken once a year. By Setting a Recurring Daily of X days users receive training timed in on their own individual journey.

💡 Key Benefits of Daily Recurring

  • Caters to the individual user recurring training based on when they were initially assigned, e.g, hired into the company.

🔍 Valuable insights 

  • Are you seeking for the least amount of follow-up work? Consider using Setting Yearly Recurring.
  • Users will be individual recurring patterns, as Daily Recurring is defined by when the user was assigned training. When users are set to retake the training and deadlines will be different from user to user throughout the whole year.
🛠️ Setting



Industrial Hazards training (Setting daily 335 + 30 day deadline):

Relevant for users where the learning has to be completed again By day 365 to ensure the valid period is constant.

Related Topics: Explosive atmospheres or combustible dusts, Chemical Handling and Safety

Set-up: Daily Recurring feature along with a Deadline ensures that users stay "certified" or compliant within your required time periods.

For example setting up Recurring Daily every 335 day + 30 day deadline will results in a 365-day interval where users deadline expires on day 365. 


💡 Key Benefits of Daily Recurring 335 + deadline

  • This setup caters to trainings where there are no gaps allowed in certification. Users remain compliant at all times, with no days where they are uncertified.

🔍 Valuable insights

  • Users will be individual recurring patterns, as Daily Recurring is defined by when the user was assigned the training. When users are set to retake the training and deadlines will be different from user to user throughout the whole year.
🛠️ Setting +


Safety Protocols (Setting Monthly every 6 months):

Related Topics: Safety Procedures, Preventing workplace accidents or injuries.

Relevant for topics where you want to reinforce the importance of the topic by using an automatic recurrence. The Monthly Recurring allows for shorter custom recurring while giving the option to cater to specific weekdays or days into the month.

💡 Key Benefits of Monthly Recurring:

  • Automate recurrence of micro learnings enforces important behaviours and on-the-floor procedures.

🔍 Valuable insights

  • Repetition enhances learning outcomes, but it should be used in small doses and updated periodically to maintain user engagement and motivation. Make sure to activate feedback and monitor the activity of your content to ensure it remains effective.
  • Users will be individual recurring patterns, as Monthly Recurring is recurring based on when the users was assigned the training.

🛠️ Setting


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