Before diving into how to read your insights data, we recommend that you review the basis of both learners and content insights.
Why use filters
Using filters is a golden opportunity to get your data to say exactly what you need it to say. Filter examples could include data range, whether the content is required or not, and many more!
We provide you with the option to both filter the data and change the options for what data is shown in the overview. Therefore, you can use the cogwheel (⚙️) or the ´+´ to add more filter options for more specific data. Both options are marked in the image below.
Filters explained
Date range | Use this filter to find a specific time for the data you need. It looks at the completion of content. |
Users, | Find a specific user in this drop-down menu. |
Departments | Find only users with in a certain department |
Learning path | Choose the content you need data on. It can be one or multiple at the same time. |
User status | Choose active users, inactive users or all. |
Completion | Should it be optional, required or all content that shows. |
Part of | Is it shared through sharing or via explore |
Include history | When using recurring content, you can choose to see data on only the current period or on the |
Status | For example, you can filter to only see users show completed content or those who missed a deadline, etc. |
Reading the columns
The columns show different data whether you are looking at learners or content insights. If you can't find the column you need, you must switch the type of insights you are looking at. The table below shows what the different options mean.
Part of | Show if the content is a part of a sharing or explore. |
Completion | Is it optional or required to complete it. |
Assigned date | The date was assigned to the user (if it is explored, then it is the date of enrolment). |
Valid until | If the content is recurring, then valid until will show the date for when the content resets and should be completed again. |
Deadline | The date for when a user needs to have content completed according to the deadline. |
Completion Date | When the user completes the content the first time. If your content is recurring, then it shows the completion that made the period compliant. |
Time Spent | It shows how much time the learner spend completing the training. |
Avg. Score | If it is a quiz, it will show how big a percentage that was correct. |
Completion Rate | Shows how much of the content is completed. |
Status | Is a visual indicator that shows the learners progress. The different statuses are explained below. |
It's good to know💭 If you see a user with more than one column for training, it means that they are assigned the learning more than once.
Statuses explained
Not started: This indicates that the task has not yet been initiated.
Completed: This signifies that the task has been successfully finished and meets all requirements.
Pending (awaiting review): This status indicates that the task has been completed but requires approval from a designated administrator.
Missed deadline: This status highlights that the task has passed the deadline and it still not completed.
Overdue: This status indicates that the task was completed after the deadline.
Incomplete: This status indicates that the task has been started but is not yet complete or error-free. It requires completion and correction before being considered finished.
In progress: Shows if the user completed some modules in the learning path, but they did not fully complete all yet.