Integration Hub

A guide overview to integrate Learningbank with your other systems

Step 1 - Integration Hub

Enter your Learningbank platform and navigate to the Organization tab, then click Integration Hub. Here, you can see all the standard integrations you can easily integrate with.🛠

If you don't see your integration in the overview, please contact us.

Step 2 - Find your integration

Once you've found your integration, simply click integration to start the process.

As an example, let's use Workday, since this step is the same for all the integrations.

Here you can Include/exclude users or departments from your integration

Include vs exclude

In the screenshots above, you can see that the page is divided into a user part and a department part. With this, you can decide both which users and/or departments should be included or excluded in the platform.


By creating certain including conditions, you define a set of users that should be included in the integration. Users that are not a part of your include condition will not be imported.

So in the case above where we include Daniel Chrone, we say that he is the only one that should be included in the integration.

You can use this if the source system contains more users than you wish imported into Learningbank. For example include only the users that has a certain department.

You can also use it to test the integration, by only including 1 user you can set everything up and include one user see the outcome and import the rest afterwards.


Excluding is a bit different; by excluding, you decide which users should not be affected by the integration.

So, for example, by excluding John Doe, you say that he should not be affected by the integration. So if John is the platform administrator in the platform but is placed in the HR department in the source system, then he should not be moved to the HR Department.

When you are done deciding who should be added and who you wish to not be affected by the integration, you click the save button, and within a few minutes, you have all wished users added to the platform.

Include vs. Exclude explained🧠

Case: You have a group in your HR system that you wish to add to the platform and others that should not be added. To ensure that the right ones are added, you do the following:

  1. Go to the department side

  2. Add the Name of ID of the security group in the field called Name or ID

  3. Click 'Include'

​To avoid getting your own user overwritten in the integration, you go to the User page, search for your user in the menu called 'User', mark it off and exclude it. Do the same steps for the users that you do not wish to be overwritten by the integration.

Step 3 - Specific integration guidance

If you have any further questions, please reach our support🚀